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A good tearjerker has its place, but it’s definitely not in the springtime. Lately I’m finding gorgeous angst-ridden heroines annoying. Perhaps that is why I chose my first two selections. Instead of pitying these forthright heroines you respect them and empathise with their frustrations.


My Lady’s Choice

By Lyn Stone

(Harlequin – May 2000, $5.99)

Lyn Stone writes compelling straightforward characters and doesn’t allow them to wallow in bitterness. 

Richard Strode is gravely injured protecting the King Edward from assassination along the Scottish border. After Lady Sara Fernstowe nurses Richard back from the brink of death the king offers her a reward_ her choice of husband.

Sara decides that she’ll grab this chance and marries the handsome knight, both to protect her estate from Scottish raiders and save herself from unsuitable suitors.

Since she is uncommonly tall and bears a disfiguring facial scar, Sara fully expects her new husband’s anger and disappointment. She vows to compensate him by being the best wife she can be.

Richard doesn’t know how to take Sara. Unlike his first wife Sara is outspoken, honest and passionate. But he doesn’t have time to deal with his confusion. Alan the True has murdered Sara’s father and her hatred knows no restraint.

It seems that the king and Sara are testing Richard’s loyalty. Alan is Richard’s brother and now he is faced with a choice between vengeance and treason.

Stone’s admirable characters and emotional intensity make this book a pleasure.



The Heir

By Johanna Lindsey

(Morrow – April 2000, $36.50 HC)

Johanna Lindsey is in top form with this calm regency that questions whether men and women can be friends.

Plain Sabrina Lambert from Oxbow won’t attract a husband during the London Season since she’s obliged to accompany gorgeous and sophisticated Ophelia Reid.

Pragmatically, Sabrina accepts her future as a spinster and sets about to honestly enjoy her visit to town. Her relaxed attitude and droll wit earns her friendships from men and women alike.

Duncan McTavish has found himself heir to an English Marquis and his grandfathers have arranged his engagement to the malicious Ophelia. Due to Ophelia’s penchant for making enemies, circumstances dictate there is no escaping the marriage without ruining her reputation. During this trying time Duncan relishes Sabrina’s friendship.

Sabrina’s antics make his most intolerable burdens seem light. It’s just unfortunate she isn’t the type of girl you marry. It is also unfortunate that Sabrina has fallen in love with her new friend.

What bliss. This book is a breath of fresh spring air.



The Morning After

By Suzanne Forster

(Jove – April 2000, $9.99)

This story had incredible potential that was misused.

Waking up pregnant, married and alone in a honeymoon suite would throw anyone for a loop. But Temple Banning remembers nothing of the man, marriage or consummation and fears that she is going crazy.

She fears a delayed reaction to a terminal disease she miraculously survived years before, but that wouldn’t account for the assassination attempts she survives.

Temple contacts Mark Challis, a modern day man of mystery. He vows to protect her and investigate the secrets that have put her in danger. He whisks her away to his private island then watches her with hidden cameras.

On the island a maniacal housekeeper, a perverted groundskeeper, a creepy doctor and a cast of false friends combine to manipulate Temple’s mind.

Forster is a great writer and creates outraged tension that begs for cathartic release. That she gave this relationship a traditional happy ending is truly an insult to anyone who can recognize cruelty and criminality.

Sometimes I’m sorry isn’t enough, even in a romance novel.



Janine Taylor is a Halifax writer. She can be reached at or


Copyright © 2000 Janine Taylor

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