HERE ARE three novels that are bound to please on one level or another. First are a couple of rich, delicious high dramas. Then, clear your palate with a light and lovely pure romance from Canadian author Lynda Simmons.



Lady Sarah’s Son
By Gayle Wilson (Harlequin Historical – 1999, $5.99)

The conflict between the characters in Lady Sarah’s Son is based on a promise of silence made to a dying 16 year-old girl. The characters are so bound by duty and honour that they come close to losing everything.

Gayle Wilson has done a fantastic job of making the reader believe these characters would behave this way. It’s rather difficult to like people who appear to be this tragic and fatalistic in their outlook, but their earnest sense of honour really grows on you.  

Lady Sarah Spenser is rich and still in love with the boy next door, Justin Tolbert. Her reputation is damaged because she is taking care of her late sister’s child Andrew, whom everyone assumes is her own illegitimate child. Lady Sarah cannot defend her own character without breaking a promise to protect her dead sister’s reputation.

When the scandal first tainted Lady Sarah four years earlier, she broke their betrothal to Justin, who was off fighting Napoleon. Now, the boy next door is back from the war, a wounded hero and an earl.

Little Andrew has Lady Sarah’s love but craves a male influence. Lady Sarah offers to marry Justin, who is desperately poor, by proposing to refurbish his inherited estate. In return, Justin must teach Andrew how to take his place in the world.

Classically, Sarah loves Justin and Justin loves Sarah, but neither will ever admit it to the other as the secret and apparent betrayal conspires to pull them apart.

This is a hand to your brow, eyes cast heavenward sigh with angst galore. Melodrama at it’s finest.

By Maggie Shayne (Jove – October 1999, $8.99)

Infinity is a beautifully drawn melodrama with a classic good and evil theme. It is a prequel/sequel to Maggie Shayne’s smash 1998 hit, Eternity the story of Raven and Duncan.

Infinity is the love story of the Light High Witches, immortals Arianna Sinclair and Nicodemus Lachlan and the regaining of Nicodemus’ heart after five centuries of living death.

Arianna is a wild and impetuous teenager living dangerously in medieval Scotland. She is mourning the loss of her beloved little sister, Raven who drowned while saving Arianna’s life. In her grief she seeks answers from the old Crones who live near her village, bringing her danger from the local rabble. Nicodemus, cousin to the local laird, protects Arianna by claiming her as his wife. But he is not ready to commit his heart to her, because his heart is immortal and has been hurt to often already. Arianna win’s Nicodemus’ love but, she is killed, comes back to life and is kidnapped by a Dark immortal witch.

The witch steals Nicodemus’ heart leaving him in a death-like state for centuries, until present-day Arianna finds the secret to reviving her true love so they can continue to live forever.

Shayne has created two more characters that will bruise your heart with their tragic intensity.

Perfect Fit
By Lynda Simmons (Zebra Bouquet Romance – November 1999, $4.99)

A cute story with heart, it has all the right elements_ ambitious but inhibited heroine meets tortured hero at a personal crossroads. Throw in wedding dresses and a beach and you’re laughing. 

Wedding dress designer Rachel Banks is determined to be happy with her small business and modest ambition. She is incensed when Mark Robison drops into her life, poking into her dreams and personal sketches. Mark, an international news cameraman, can’t sit by and let talent like Rachel’s languish. He makes her question her limitations, even as he finds himself questioning his own life choices.

Lynda Simmons followed her pattern precisely to get the Perfect Fit.


Copyright © 1999 Janine Taylor