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THIS WEEK I review a sexy story from a new author, twin tales from a veteran writer and three friends _ each a well-known writer _ teamed up to pay tribute to a special place.

These authors dish up a plethora of delicious romantic fantasies for your enjoyment.


Absolute Trouble (Avon – Sept. 1998, $7.99)

By Michelle Jerott


Sexy Cajun stripper meets ex-cop is an unlikely combination that works in this surprising and sweltering thriller.

The former cop, Dulcie Quinn, does her old partner a favour by protecting a reluctant witness on her houseboat while the police chase down a murdering drug king-pin called the Red Dragon.

The witness, Julien Langlois, is wearing boots, a G-string, bow tie and a whole lot of nothing. Dulcie’s physical attraction to a near-nude boy-toy is complicated by empathy.

The Red Dragon was responsible not only for the injury that caused Dulcie’s early retirement, but also the death of Julien’s little brother. Julien has sworn revenge and is unwilling to leave justice to the law. Julien and Dulcie indulge in a sultry affair that brings their private demons to the surface.

Although the setting may be too hot for some, Absolute Trouble by this first-time author is absolutely worth checking out.


That Summer Place (Mira – 1998, $7.99)

By Jill Barnett, Deborah Macomber, Susan Wiggs


Three great West Coast authors _ Jill Barnett, Deborah Macomber, Susan Wiggs _ are friends who joined forces to celebrate an island retreat called Rainbow Lodge. That Summer Place is a great big breath of fresh sea air.

[]Old things, Barnett’s first contemporary work, establishes that her talent seems to know no bounds. Especially refreshing is the 47 year-old heroine, Catherine Wardell-Winslow’s, hilarious struggles with middleagedom.

Catherine is hoping to assuage her working-mother’s guilt and recapture some of the magic of her own childhood. She and her daughters arrive at the ramshackle remains of the house where she spent summers as a girl and stumble across Catherine’s first love. Michael Packard steps into the role his grandfather held as island handyman, and finds their renewed love growing despite secrets and misunderstandings.

[]Beth Graham is invited to enjoy a month with her best friend at Rainbow Lodge while her husband works on a consulting job. When her friend’s husband is injured, Beth and her son, Paul, make a deal with the cranky replacement consultant, John Livingstone, to entertain his obnoxious daughter while they pursue their vacation activities.

Beth and Paul are a healing influence on the Livingstone’s and the four-way friendship blossoms. Debbie Macomber’s Private Paradise is a hopeful and enjoyable story.

[]Island Time introduces workaholic Mitch Rutherford to terminally laid-back Dr. Rosie Galvez. They share Rainbow Lodge while she works on an environmental impact study for his wharf project.

Mitch falls for the bombshell biologist who teaches him to stop and smell the roses. Rosie falls equally as hard for Mitch while he shows her the basics of financial management.

Susan Wiggs is in top form.


Janine Taylor is a Halifax based writer and may be contacted at



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