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Halloween Hangover

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OCT 1999


If you’re working on a Halloween candy hangover, here is a collection that will be the perfect reading while you stuff your cheeks with kisses.



By Jayne Castle, Julie Beard, Lori Foster and Eileen Wilks (Berkley – October 1999, $7.99)

 Hot, sexy or just odd, this quartet of Halloween shorts is quirky to say the least. This is a treat for those who didn’t get enough already.

-Bridal Jitters By Jayne Castle

The book jacket copy pointedly reminds us that this compilation includes a story by Jayne Ann Krentz writing as Jayne Castle.  Jayne Castle is this wildly popular and prolific author’s alter ego that indulges in science fiction romance. Bridal Jitters is perhaps the most difficult story of the group to get into. If you can, open your mind to the complicated premise of another world on another planet in the future that is forced to return to using Earth’s technology of today. If you can get past the lingo it may be a trip worth taking.

-Man in the Mirror By Julie Beard

Katie Montgomery’s time travel to a magic kingdom is blamed on a Halloween curse and superstition. She passes through a mirror to help an injured knight. With Katie’s help, and love, Tristan of Ilchester goes on to fight beside King Arthur.

-Tangled Dreams By Lori Foster

Lori Foster's mastery of highly sensual romance shows in this story. Fans will recognize some of the characters in this one from Foster’s Valentine short story. A couple of ghosts arrange for the hero, Chase, to hear the thoughts of prim and proper little Allison Barrow. Turns out she’s anything but prim and proper inside her head and it’s got Chase pretty hot and bothered.

-Pandora’s Bottle By Eileen Wilks

Pandora Kitlock is in love and expecting her dependable boyfriend John to propose. Instead she discovers a cursed bottle containing a charming genie that personifies all of John’s wild qualities. Pandora has to defuse the curse while juggling her own feelings and fears.


The More I See You

By Lynn Kurland (Berkley – October 1999, $8.99)

 Lynn Kurland continues her successful run of time travel romances with a cynical composer, Jessica Blakely, who accidentally finds herself in the middle ages.

What does a rational modern woman do when she is exasperated by her lack of luck in love? Jessica wishes on a star for a “fair and gallant knight” who will love her “at least as much as he loves himself”.

Jessica is disgusted when she arrives in a different time where the general living conditions are appalling and the locals treat her as if she were an idiot. Fortunately, a knight, Richard De Galtres, seems to be the answer to her wishes. The problem is, he certainly doesn’t love himself and it seems that he has some emotional healing to do before he can fall in love with Jessica.

If you’ve read Kurland’s work you will recognize some old friends. The More I See You has characters that can make you smile even as you ache for them. 

Janine Taylor is a Halifax writer. She can be reached at or




Copyright © 1999 Janine Taylor

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