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New England Lovers

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LATELY IT SEEMS a few brave romance writers and their editors have taken on New England as a setting for their stories. They’re also taking tentative steps outside the stereotypical by casting unusual, even tragic women as their heroines. This column I review a new novel situated in New England and one set in old tried and true England. 

By Miranda Jarrett (Sonnet – 1999, $8.99)

Wishing is the third in an historical series about the Fairbournes. You might want to read the first two stories to get the background for this novel, but Wishing delivers what the others didn’t _ a unique and strong heroine I’d been wishing for.
Sea captain Samson Fairbourne makes a cynical wish to the gods to help him find the perfect woman, vowing to marry her if he finds her.
When Polly Bray is dragged from the water hundreds of miles from her capsized fishing boat, she seems far from ideal. She actually seems far from real. She is not tempted by elegant gifts, she is practical, honest and even a skilled sailor.
Samson falls for her, hard. He decides to make her his wife but plain Polly Bray isn’t to be owned. She wants to get back to her shabby home and rebuild the life she left behind in Massachusetts.  
Every romantic heroine these days is beautiful, elegant and independent. Polly Bray is much more than this. She’s steadfast and true.

Because of You
By Cathy Maxwell (Avon – 1999, $7.99)

In the mood for a mystery? Go elsewhere, this refreshing story is a straight, sexy, heart-brightening romance peopled by good guys who just don’t know it yet.
It’s 1806 and a stranger has brought the killer influenza to the village of Sproule. The vicar’s daughter, Samantha Northrup is the stranger’s only hope.
Events and fearful villagers conspire to force Samantha to nurse and then marry the stranger, Marvin Browne. Samantha falls in love with Marvin but turns out he’s not plain old Marvin, he’s the prodigal son of the earl.
Yale Carderock left England 11 years ago, disinherited and angry. After earning his fortune in the Orient, he is back in Sproule distraught to find his father has died.
Every Cathy Maxwell novel has at least a couple of good absurd scenes that, depending on your bent, induce either a snicker or a guffaw. Because of You hasn’t the slapstick of her last couple of novels but it’s snappy pace will keep you glued to the page.
Maxwell is a pleasant companion as you commute, stir soup or pretend to be working. Definitely search out her backlist in the used bookstores and libraries.

Janine Taylor is a freelance writer based in Halifax, Nova Scotia. She may be reached via e-mail at:



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