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Sex Sells

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If sex sells, then you won’t find the following titles at your local bookstore for long. However, if you’re looking for strong stories you might want to think again.


By Suzanne Forster, Maggie Shayne, Lori Foster and Kimberly Randell (Jove – Jan 2000, $9.99)


This is a short story anthology with a lingerie theme. These titillating teasers are really just to tempt you to try the authors’ full-length books. Needless to say the stories smoke with rather explicit scenes and, on the whole, just the right dash of humour to let the reader know these authors aren’t taking themselves too seriously.

Suzanne Forster’s Unbuttoning Emmalina is the story of two worlds colliding. Dealmaker Jeff Weston needs to sell the Emmalina’s Victorian home in which she runs a shop dedicated to all things Victorian. Jeff figures Emmalina is stuck in the past and makes it his mission to enlighten her through a sensual immersion in the twenty-first century.

Lori Foster continues her series about the Winston brothers in her short story, Tangled Images. Fun-loving Mark is coerced into modelling male lingerie for his sister-in-law’s catalogue and is pleasantly surprised to find the woman of his dreams behind the camera.

Sinderella by Kimberly Randell puts construction manager Frankie Brannigan in sexy lingerie to live out an anonymous rendezvous with her best friend, Conner McBride.

The anchor of this compilation is Leather and Lace by Maggie Shayne. Marta Jane Biswell has taken over administration duties at her friend’s new fantasy lingerie design house. Now she’s been drafted into modelling and has literally fallen into the arms of the love of her life.


The Courtship

By Catherine Coulter (Jove – Jan 2000, $9.99)

Fans will find Catherine Coulter true to form. If you haven’t tried Coulter’s earlier novels, be prepared. She’s a writer who pushes envelopes. Her characters act incredibly shallow, crude and callous despite the author who describes them as honourable, intelligent and genteel.

In The Courtship a few of her popular regency characters have a bit of an adventure while having sex everywhere but in a bed.

The lecherous Lord Beechham, Spenser Heatherington, overhears Helen Mayberry in a racy conversation about the joys of discipline and can’t wait to play her bad boy. Luckily for him, she has been planning to pursue a relationship with him as well, but for much less carnal reasons.

Seems she has ferreted out his educational background in medieval translation and wants his expertise to discover the whereabouts of a mythical lamp that dates back to the crusades.

Spenser is chagrined to find he has little self-control around Helen and actually wants to marry her. He soon discovers she is easily seduced, but she isn’t interested in marriage.

The courtship he devises is an odd combination of intellectual stimulation, thwarting a murderer and perfunctory sex. When this doesn’t work Spenser employs the explicit forms of discipline he knows Helen enjoys.

Despite pontificating monologues and at times laughable characterization, fans of Coulter’s spicy Bride series of historical romances will likely reward her over-the-top style.



Copyright © 2000 Janine Taylor

Distributed By Writers Syndication Services



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