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Great Caesar's Ghost

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Ghosts and magic are topics that intrigue me rather more than usual, lately. Maybe that’s due to the Harry Potter books my kids have been reading. Here are some recent releases in the paranormal genre for adults.


Great Caesar's Ghost

By Cynthia Sterling (Jove - January 2000, $8.99)

This story is really cute. The late Caesar Hawkins, inventor of Great Caesar's Celebrated Curative, is determined to see his son happy and his spirit won't rest until the deal is done.

Nixie Dengler meets Jed Hawkins, who is promoting his father's famous wares on a fair ground. She's been around long enough to know about traveling con men but Jed makes her feel special. How can she trust such a slick salesman?

Jed loves Nixie but he is reluctant to ask her to join him because his rambling lifestyle is a lonely life. Besides, his father's spirit keeps messing things up with his overbearing matchmaking attempts.

It is a treat to read this light and fun ghost story.


The Dragon Hour

By Connie Flynn (Onyx - January 2000, $8.99)

A time travel fantasy with a twist, The Dragon Hour is an interesting take on balancing the best of two worlds.

Caryn Maclachlan is leader of Lochlorraine, a Scottish kingdom enclosed and floating through time as a result of a 17th century science experiment gone wrong. Hoping to learn how to put things aright, Caryn's experimenting brother-in-law brings unsuspecting time travelers to the kingdom.

The latest travelers are New York City thugs who were hiding out in Central Park. One, Luke Slade, is the spitting image of the legendary Sir Lucas the Dragon Slayer immortalized in Caryn's wall tapestry.

A dragon has plagued Lochlorraine since it was set adrift so it must be Luke's fate to save the kingdom. But how can a man who blanches at slaughtering sheep and thinks the dragon is an endangered species be the hero they've prayed for?

The best part of this book is the reconciliation of modern and ancient ways.


The Duke and I

By Julia Quinn (Avon - January 2000, $7.99)

This is a straight out regency love story. It is sexy even without treasure hunters, political intrigue or a murder mystery.

Daphne Bridgerton was blessed with a large, loving and meddlesome family and her brother's permission to take her time finding the right husband. Unfortunately, friendly Daphne just doesn't seem to know quite how to get the job done.

In order to avoid the pressure, Daphne makes an agreement with her brother's best friend Simon Basset, the Duke of Hastings to pretend interest in each other. Their agreement stimulates a competitive male interest in Daphne while providing respite from mothers who are trying to setup Simon with their daughters.

Rejected as a child because of a severe stutter, Simon vowed to cheat his father of an heir to his title. His hard-won control and determination have brought him great success and respect but not happiness. Unfortunately Simon and Daphne's charade skates too near the thin ice of propriety. Suddenly Simon is forced to do the one thing he has sworn to avoid.

Nothing beats the good woman helping the tormented hero face his internal demons.

Well done.



Copyright © 2000 Janine Taylor

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