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Category: Canadian

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YOU MIGHT have guessed I like reading pretty well all forms of romantic fiction but I particularly like reading Canadian authors. This month I was lucky to get Lower Sackville-based novelist, Deborah Hale’s upcoming hit and a couple of new numbered category romances also by Canadians. 

The Bonny Bride

By Deborah Hale (Harlequin Historical- March 2000, $6.99)

This is Deborah Hale’s third book released during the past 12 months. Lucky us.

Set in New Brunswick, this story is loosely based on the courtship of two of Hale's ancestors.

Jenny Lennox will never end up beaten down by drudgery like her mother. She is leaving Scotland to marry a rich New Brunswick businessman. Only problem is she needs an escort and pompous Harris Chisholm seems the only one available.

Harris hides his shyness behind a cool exterior, but his feelings are anything but cool.  After getting to know Jenny on the Atlantic crossing and an overland trek, he can’t abide her marrying only for money. But fears of poverty and fear of rejection conspire to pull Jenny and Harris apart.

This terrific tale pulls you through the adventurous plot at breakneck speed.


Charmed and Dangerous

By Lynda Simmons (#43 Zebra Bouquet - 2000, $4.99

Ontario-based writer Lynda Simmons has billed this novel as part of a series of love stories with a "touch of magic". In this one the "touch" was just a mosquito-like distraction to this solid personal-growth category romance.

After her traumatic feelings of betrayal surrounding her brother's death, Maxine Henley vowed never to return to the village where she grew up. It's only reluctantly that she has returned to introduce her fiancé to her mother. Unfortunately, her fiancé decided not to get married and Max arrives to find he is still in New York. As usual, the whole village wants to know Max's business. She attempts to maintain the pretence of her engagement. Unfortunately, her best buddy from childhood, Sam O’Neal knows exactly what's happened. Just like in their unhappy past they are linked by their knowledge of secrets but now there is an undeniable attraction that they didn't anticipate.

Despite the awkwardness of the love charm, this is a sexy and touching story that turns on the quirks and characters of small town life.


A Wife Worth Keeping  

By Rosemary Carter (#3602 Harlequin Romance - April 2000, $3.99)

This is a sweet tale of the perils of getting married too young and not communicating with your spouse.

Samantha left her husband Max when she caught him with another woman. Now that she has built a new life for herself and her young daughter she's put in a position of having to attempt a six-month second chance at her marriage in order for her daughter to receive an inheritance.

Sam is willing to play the charade for the sake of her daughter's future. Max however is determined to make their second chance a permanent reconciliation. If only they can get past the mistakes of the past.

This is a cute way to while away a few hours.


Janine Taylor is a Halifax writer. She can be reached at or



Copyright © 2000 Janine Taylor

Distributed by Writers Syndication Services.



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